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Our Story

Appserd was created when a serial entrepreneur who had a passion for understanding the rapid growth in the mobile app industry decided he will take the steps to learn more and even attempt creating one of his very own. He had no knowledge of how to write code, graphic design or even a good understanding of the industry and the steps needed to take an idea from paper to product. But he was committed to learn. After a while he became intimate with the industry and had a better knowledge of the market including what the trends are and also what makes certain apps more appealing to users. He had a great idea and even created a "wireframe" which is basically a blue print of how the screens of the app will work and function. After attempting to reach out to virtually every app development team in the NY/NJ area, he realized it would cost between $75-$200k. Not allowing himself to be undetermined, he looked to outsource most of the work. By doing this he was forced to learn about app development from the ground up. APPSERD was born.


"APPSERD" stands for App Strategic Evaluation Research and Development.


Most app developers will be happy to take any concept you bring them and develop them for you. You are basically a walking dollar sign to them. Appserd takes a different approach. An amazing team of analysts, designers and developers have been put together to create bold apps that will be used by many and remembered. App dev companies will argue that development is the most important part of the process. However, at Appserd our developers are stellar and follow the instruction of the design perfectly. We take great pride in our ability to brainstorm about the concept, research possible competitors, strategize, visualize the user experience and also evaluate what is best way to monetize. These crucial parts of the process really will be the factors that make or break an app.


One of our team members will be happy to meet with you, listen to your idea (yes we can bring a Non Disclosure Agreement), talk a little about it and then set another meeting. In the second meeting we will be prepared to give an analysis, elaborate on our thoughts, give a rough cost estimate and any further advice/ideas.


App development companies usually turn away those looking to exchange equity in return for such work described above. WE WELCOME IT. Because Appserd was created by an entrepreneur and has selected a team of like-minded individuals... we are more then happy to discuss such terms and will never shy away. Why work on something that you don't have a passion for. Unlike the other companies, we strategically choose only a few apps a year to develop so we can give them and our clients all the attention to detail they will need in order to become a success.


We will never be misleading or have any unwelcome surprises. We want to create lasting relationships with the people we work with. We don't have the huge expenses of other companies with many employees, extravagant offices that waste space with ping pong tables or free coffee and beer that really comes out of the high costs you pay, shhh... However we will meet you for a drink to talk about your concept, and yes it's on us!


So give Appserd a chance, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

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